CBS and Paramount+ have unintentionally debunked a well-known dark web conspiracy theory in its new show Poppa’s House.
Starring Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr, “Poppa’s House” is about legendary talk radio host and happily divorced "Poppa" (played by Wayans) who has his point of view challenged at work when a new female co-host is hired, and at home where he finds himself still parenting his adult son. His son (played by Wayans Jr) is a brilliant dreamer who is trying to pursue his passion while being a responsible father and husband.
With an initial first season order of 13 episodes, fans have been treated to the first few episodes which provides irrefutable proof of a Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr working side-by-side. It’s the first time the pair has appeared working in the same vicinity which smashes the widely held theory that Wayans is a soul-sucking immortal entity with adopted name of “Damon.”
Weirdtopia resident and loyal reader of My Kind Of Weird, Crispin Richards (M, 30), spoke with me earlier today.
“Man, I know I was big on the Qanon bullshit a coupla years back but this is next level. Now the Hollywood Elite have concocted this rubbish show trying to pitch this Damon fella as being two separate people.”
I asked Crispin if he’s seen any of the Poppa’s House episodes yet.
“Aw yeah nah but, and I know what you’re about to say. How are they in the same scene at the same time? It’s all deep fake nonsense. Hollywood has been doing special episodes like this for years where the main character is in a transporter accident or their doppelgänger travels to another dimension... ”
But wouldn’t that prove that Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr are two separate people?
“Nah mate. It’s all camera trickery. Don’t you find it a little bit convenient that the so-called proof is in the form of a Hollywood production? What’s next? You gonna tell me that stoner bloke from Scary Movie is related to Damon just because he’s black? There sure as shit isn’t a Damon Wayans Jr. He’s a soul-sucking entity that feeds on the youth of virgins - and everyone needs to know!”
More soon.