Written by Eric Borden, illustrated by Dave Mims and lettered by Spike O'Laochda, Scrimshaw follows Hans and the crew of the Runaway Horse as they make their way in the New Pacific, a world of ruthless business, uneasy truces, and shifting alliances—a world abided by steel, marked by mutation, and at the mercy of the violent sea.
A genre-mixing science and swordplay adventure on the high seas, Scrimshaw tells the story of a possible future in which the world has been affected global warming, genetic and agricultural manipulation, and conflict between so-called superpowers. With members hailing from Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, and American Samoa, the crew of the Runaway Horse has a colorful past and an uncertain future.
Tackling issues like global warming, overfishing, corporate exploitation, political over-reach, and race relations head-on, Scrimshaw also revolves around one of the oldest and most maligned traits that mankind possesses: our ability to make war.
'Scrimshaw' Volume 1 - Cartel Comics
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