Written by Eric Borden and illustrated by Dave Mims, Scrimshaw Volume 2 kicks off as the Battle for the Tanto Octopus begins.
When the savage Indonesian pirate, Danny Yuda, discovers their hiding place, Katsuko and Taipuitea are forced to flee into the narrow alleyways and crowded streets of Nagasaki. Watching from the shadows, the Tanto Corporation's head of security, Mr. Song makes his move and joins the pursuit, hell-bent on recovering company property.
While Captain Hans negotiates with the treacherous Fox, his men scour the city for signs of their prey. Life proves cheap as the three factions go to war for possession of the genetically enhanced octopus. Hans boards his ship and departs The Fox’s private island bound for Nagasaki ultimately putting him on a collision course with Danny Yuda, Mr. Song, and the Fox’s highly-trained private army of Bush Rangers.
'Scrimshaw' Volume 2 - Cartel Comics
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